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Chase Coy - Turn Back The Time

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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

11/3 Seize

Lay thy arms to rest
nobel bishop
for the wound 
cast by the sword
of the knight
will soon draw
the breath of life
that lingers within you
for this offense 
thy death will not fall
on deaf ears,
but rather spark a rebellion against
our pacification
and provoke our ambitions to 
advance upon the king.
to corner him where
the castle once stood
and force a surrender
like Cornwallis would
and end this 
battle once and for all.

Chess anyone?

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

11/3 Music Album/Band of the Week

Band: Woe, Is Me

  Song: Hot n Cold

So I haven't been able to write lately, because I've been caught up with school work and what not, but here's a song that is on the new Punk goes Pop 3 cd that's been making me happy. I also recommend listening to their album Number[s]. Woe, Is me is going to make it big one day I can tell. Anyways enjoy! I'll write in a day or so about my new piece about chess. haha. 

Album: Number[s]

Sunday, October 31, 2010

10/31 Halloween By Chris Trinh

The taste of candy still
Lies on our tongue
The sweet naive feelings
of when we were young.
Go back to a time
When we could pretend
to be anything
and everything
Our hearts can comprehend
A time for princesses,
pirates, and all those
Can roam through the streets
On this Halloween.

Happy Halloween Everyone :)
Question: How was your Halloween?

Friday, October 29, 2010

10/29 Fall By Chris Trinh

The leaves will change 
from green to red
and drift to earth
the ground
their bed.
To begin to slow
until a stop
Where soon white powder
will lay atop
To then become alike the earth
until next spring
conceives new birth 

Question: How do you interpret the poem? Is it merely a little description of the life of leaves or is there more to this piece of work then what lies above the surface. 

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

10/27 What does Fall mean to You? By Tahla Wade

That morning will never evade my memory: rainy, a slight chill in the air, and a child’s naïveté contained in a brand new, colorful outfit. It was the first day of school for me, ever. I finally reached preschool. No more bouncing from my babysitter’s house to mine. I was running with the “big dogs.”
My mother took me in to the large, church-like building. Both of us, marching in, hand in hand, me, happy as can be. I reached the threshold of the door, let go of my mother’s hand, and took on the three girls playing with the Barbies and dollhouse on the floor. Life was as happy as can be.
Fast forward two years. It’s that time again: school has come back to swoop me away from summer bliss. This time, it’s first grade, and yes, it was gloomy, slightly chilly, and a child’s innocence still was present.
My family and I waited on the corner in our car. My parents would look at me, look at each other, and I would look up at both them with the most innocent gaze. After moments of this, I moved closer to the window to get a better look at what was coming for me, and it suddenly arrived.
The yellow bus that came around the bend was the first I had ever been on. Every storybook I had read about school up until that point was coming true.
My dad and I got out of the car to meet the bus. The driver opened the door with a smile and I once again, let my dad’s hand go, and found a seat next to my next door neighbor. I waved goodbye and smiled at my parents as I rode away. Nothing could have stopped me.
Now, fast forward eleven years to the start of junior year. This year was one of the most exciting times of my school career, and it all revolves around one word: license. Not only was I an upperclassman, but I had my license and I was driving to school. My first day of junior year was pretty cloudy, had some warmth to it, and though I thought I knew everything, the youthful mind still remained. Not thinking twice, I got ready, grabbed the keys, and kissed my parents goodbye. I, once again, let go of their hands.
Pause. Through all these times I never looked back. When I entered that preschool classroom, I never looked to see my mother’s distress. When that bus came, I never thought twice about my dad’s shaking hand in mine. And when the shining key was placed in my hand, I never looked back at their faces when I walked out that door. I never thought about how their tears, on those occasions, carried so much weight in them.
The fall is nature’s way of saying it has reached its pinnacle, and let the old life go and prepare for renewal. It is the inevitable process of maturity.

Question: What does Fall mean to you?

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

10/26 Writers Block ! By Chris Trinh

I was puzzled, once again starring at the scratched up "minute masterpiece" that was lying lifelessly upon my desk, only to find myself ashamed and frustrated by the potential that this piece of literature could have possessed. Feeling distressed I quickly crumbled up the piece and tossed it alongside the mountain of balled-up papers; that too were once called "minute masterpieces." To make matters worse I began to question myself, as though I were going insane. What is wrong with me? How-come, the ideas I've imagine seem to break-way into a series of fragments or just disappear into a void of their own. Almost like the sun's light escaping the horizon before being stolen away by night's haunting cloak. But at that precise moment an epiphany dawned on me, when thoughts started to erupt from the corners of my mind, starting from a dim hum building to a cacophony. I instantaneously ripped out a sheet of paper and did my way with my pen. The words almost melted on the page. I wrote "I was puzzled, once again..."

Question: Does the strain of everyday have an effect on you?

Monday, October 25, 2010

10/25 Motivation By Chris Trinh

I bear the thought that brings me hope
The kinetic force that will provoke
The movement
                       In which
                                      I’ll embark
Where the seams, of my dreams
            Will start to part
To give me will to conquer all
Unlike the Romans, I will not fall
To only seek
                     truest progression
and prevent
                    unneeded regression
as i chase these little desires
bottled in my dreams

Question: What is your motivation?

